Monday, December 8, 2008

Hamilton Peak Run

Had a great little run up the Craigieburn Valley yesterday. Started near Hwy 73, ran up the CVSC rd for a short while, then took the Craigieburn Valley Track that heads off to your left, following it for about 3.5km when it reaches the bottom of the CVSC access tow. From there a summer rd switch backs its way up to the day lodge. From there I scrambled across scree to the top of Hamilton Peak.

Me on Hamilton Peak

The run down was fast as I was able to move quickly down the soft scree, cutting the switch backs. It was pretty cool to see CVSC in the summer (but I do prefer it covered in snow), the summer Rd's, streams flowing, small rocks transformed in to big ones and especially the destruction from a very active avalanche season.

Hamilton Saddle and Hamilton Peak

The amount of trees that were plowed down form the slides off Hamilton is very evident now the snows gone and most impressive.

"Gods lawn mower", trees mowed down from 2 slide off Hamilton Peak during the winter. Construction of Chalet Jarman top left corner.

If you haven't seen it yet here's the poorly recorded video of the 2nd '08 monster slide of Hamilton. The first was 2 days earlier than this fella and was a simpathic release, the 2nd was from Heli bombing

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"The skier who forsakes the lifts to climb under his own power to a mountain summit is a very different person from the downhill only piste basher and is often regarded by the latter as something of a curiosity.
But he was the creator of the sport; and possibly with him lies the future"
-Robin Fedden, The book of Europen Skiing, 1966
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