Our spare room/ office is now looking like a ware house.
If you are after some new ski touring gear for the winter, or are just after some advice on gear, contact me at dynafit@dynafit.co.nz I've also updated http://www.dynafit.co.nz/ so you can check out all the new products we are bringing in. Note=we are a little limited on some stock.
Snow Leopard Trust/ Dynafit Auction
Click on the above image to place a bid on a pair of limited 8 of Se7en Summit skis and Vertical ST bindings. All procedes onto the Snow Leopard Trust.
The Snow Leopard Trust is very grateful to be a part of this. If you want to know more about the Trust and snow leopards, visit www.snowleopard.org or write to us at info@snowleopard.org.