Friday, February 20, 2009

On The Mend

Haven't been posting much lately as I have had a run of injuries since our trip to Totaranui (which was great!) and didn't feel that "I'm injured and its great fun" would be that good of a post. Its started with a achilles heal niggle, then a tingling in my groin/hamstring area and then settled in on a tendon in my lower right leg. My training had been going really well, I was feeling like I was just settling in to a good routine and feeling strong. I had a great training run over the Avalanche Peak Challenge course, reaching the summit of Avalanche Peak in 55mins and getting to Klondye Corner in under 3hrs. I had planned to run over bits, if not the whole course at least another 2 times. Having not run in coming on a month is a real disappointment. The good news is am finaly on the mend. The swelling in my leg has gonna down and I have been out on a few bike rides. I am confident of doing the Avalanche Peak Challenge, but my goal of a top 5 finish is probably now unlikely.

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"The skier who forsakes the lifts to climb under his own power to a mountain summit is a very different person from the downhill only piste basher and is often regarded by the latter as something of a curiosity.
But he was the creator of the sport; and possibly with him lies the future"
-Robin Fedden, The book of Europen Skiing, 1966
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