Monday, September 29, 2008
Bealey Face- Mt Rolleston
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Skiing The Storm
We started off skinning then quickly started booting up Sunny Face. We were able to ski easily into The Monster and apart from a few tight, thin spots the skiing was really good. There was only about 5-8cm of new snow, but soft spring snow underneath made for fun skiing.
No ski tour in NZ is complete without at least a little tussock/rock hoping
We then walked up the road back to the lodges and Jane headed in to start on dinner for the guests and I skinned up for another lap. I headed up to Elephant Holes, at the base of Cockayne to see how Gideon and his alpine skills group were getting on snow caving.
Gideon working on his new home
I then headed over to the A Basin chutes for some great turns.
I then finished up by skiing Gun Barrel, which to my surprise was really good! All up about 1hr45, 500-600m vert day, skiing the storm.
We have about 10-15cm up here now and tomorrow looks like it gonna be a good one, hope to see you here.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mt Wall-Tick
I had a pretty good view of Mt Rolleston's Crow face and some other lines I hope to ski one day.
I put skis on my back, crampons on my feet and had the MCX 820 axe in hand for the boot up the line. I was worried that the sun may have been on the line for too long, but it was still in great condition. The skiers right side was shaded and still pretty firm and the other side nice and soft. It took about 20 mins to boot to the summit and I was there at about 5:10pm.
I took in the view, snapped a few photos and started heading down. I couldn't actually ski right off the summit due to a lack of snow and started my descent about 1m below the summit. As I dropped into the main south couloir I knew it was gonna be good, the snow was soft and the line not as steep as it looks from Cheeseman, making it a really fun run. The biggest hazard was from fallen rocks that were melted into the snow like little land mines I had to keep avoiding.
Yippee-Me on top of Mt Wall
The view as I dropped in
I skied as far down as I could and then started walking. This was almost more interesting than being up high as I got to see all the destruction of the huge avalanches that rumbled off Mt Wall and the surrounding basins during the winter. It was pretty impressive to see trees snapped and there was even avalanche debris still around at 1000m elevation.
Avalanche debris and broken trees- a sign of the big avalanche cycles we had during the winter
It was a bit of a trek out and I got to the Cheeseman base area just on dark. Pretty happy to have skied that line as it's one I (and many others I think) have had my eye on for a while now.
MCX 820 Axe- Worked great! Probably could have gotten away with a less burly axe (maybe even just whipit poles), but it was good to get out and use it. The extra length to what I'm used to made it much easier and I played around a little cutting steps and self arresting. Nothing mind blowing, no "wow!", just what you'd expect from an axe of this quality.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Simond 820 MXC Axe
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mt Temple Ski Descent
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ah, spring time............
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mt Cook Trip Spring 2006
"I think I see Mt Cook in the distance", "nice doggy" Andrew and Steve trying to fit in at Lake Tekapo
The trip started off well, we stopped in Temuka at my Granny's for a cup of tea and some scones and then checked out the sights in Tekapo. We then got to spend a magical week in Mt Cook village, that included getting a reality check and waiting out the weather. Our little reality check came in the form of a nasty little wet slide while attempting a line on Mt Wakefield which took both Steve and Chris for a wee ride.
Walking up the Tasman towards Ball shelter.
Steve not only made some turns in NZ, he also did this sweet jump on the avalanche shaped half pipe on the Tasman glacier
Andrew getting ready to drop a little coulior just off the Tasman Glacier
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Shot of the Day- Bealey Spur Hut
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Craigiegurn Traverse Videos
I took 2 short videos yesterday as well as some photos. I haven't really any fancy editing programs (or know how) but decide to post these all the same.
First one is of use climbing towards Mt Izard (2019m) and the 2nd of Jane skiing Izard.
Craigieburn Traverse

Jane watching on as Duncan and Kath ski off Enys
All up it we climbed 2495 vertical meters, skied 2420m, made up of 12 laps and took 7hr27mins. The break down- Base of CV-1265m- 7:28am Hamilton Peak-1922m-8:40am Nervous Knob- 1820m- 8:54am Top Yukon's Bowl-1884m- 9:23am Mt Cockayne- 1874m- 10:05am Mt Cheeseman- 2031m- 10:27am Mt Izard- 2019m- 11:45am Mt Cloudsey- 2107m- 12:37am Mt Enys- 2194m- 1:29pm Uli's Roll- 1997m- 2:39pm Bottom Porters- 1300m- 2:54pm
I'd love to take my race gear out on this trip, maybe start from Grasmere and do some more skiing along the way some time. Maybe during the week if the weather is good?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Not to much in..................
Alexis making turn's last Sunday
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Shot Of The Day- Winters Back!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sunday Ski Tour at Ohau
Jamie with a free mind in the spring corn snow
Me admiring the view towards Mt Cook Jane and I then headed back to Ohau for the drive back to Cheeseman.
Jane skiing back into Ohau
CraigieBurner this weekend, I'll be organising and am looking forward to seeing people suffer!Monday, September 1, 2008
Back Country Blast Ski Mountaineering Race
My dad, Gus, looking the part with his big sunnies and Sorels on